"Rusprodsoyuz" joined the company "KONTI-RUS"

The company "KONTI-RUS", one of the leaders of the national confectionery market, became a member of the Association of producers and suppliers of food products "Rusprodsoyuz". This decision was unanimously approved at the regular meeting of the Board of the Union. The introduction of such a significant player in the confectionery market strengthened the position of the relevant sections of the Association.
Joint-stock company "KONTI-RUS" specializiruetsya in the production of confectionery products. The range includes over 200 products: candies, caramel, chocolate with filling, biscuits, wafers, marshmallows, desserts, sponge cakes, rolls, cakes etc.
The assets of "KONTI-RUS" two confectionery factories in the Kursk and logistics centre of the highest European classification. The company employs 22 modern production lines, producing high-quality products that meet all safety standards. All confectionery products are labelled with "No GMO", as evidenced by periodic laboratory test within the framework of the program of production control.
Commenting on the introduction, marketing Director of the company "KONTI-RUS" Anna Ilyichev stressed that the participation in the "Rusprodsoyuz" will be the trend of market changes and to be proactive, to promote the adoption of effective management decisions. "The expertise of the Union on issues of interaction of suppliers with commercial operators is an effective tool to promote products of national producers in the domestic market," said Anna Ilicheva. In addition, one of the priority directions of the company activity is the development of exports. The products of "KONTI-RUS" comes in more than 20 countries, including all countries of CIS, Europe, Asia and America. The company believes that the expertise and activities "Rusprodsoyuz" will help the work in this direction.
Director of the Union Dmitry Vostrikov said that "Rusprodsoyuz" will contribute in achieving the company goals. "On the basis of the Association established tools that ensure regular communication of manufacturers with each other, with public authorities, commercial operators and other partners. Equivalent dialogue we are able to find the most correct solutions to the development of food enterprises in conditions of economic and political change," – said Dmitry Vostrikov. Recall that at the moment the Association already includes such major players in the confectionery market, as the holding "United confectioners", confectionery factory "Pobeda", "Bogatyr", "Circle", the company "Beloved land", "'chev," etc.
Association of manufacturers and suppliers of food products "Rusprodsoyuz" is a professional Union, the first cross-industry organization which brings together producers and suppliers of food products irrespective of the turnover and they produce range from Central Russia and North-Western regions of the South and the Volga region, Siberia, the Urals and the Far East. "Rusprodsoyuz" includes more than 400 Federal and regional manufacturers and food distributors. "Rusprodsoyuz" is one of the founders of the interdepartmental Expert Council for the development of the consumer market and an active participant in the creation of a code of good practices of interaction between retailers and suppliers of food products.