KONTI participated in the international exhibition SIAL (China)

Between May 5 and 7, 2016 KONTI participated in the 17-th Chinese international exhibition of food products and special-purpose equipment SIAL China 2016. This year this exhibition gathered in Shanghai about 3000 exhibitors and over 66000 visitors from all over the world.
SIAL exhibition is one of the largest business venues in Asia in the food products sector. For the KONTI it is an opportunity for implementation of one of the most important objectives of external sales market development.
China together with the European market is a promising region for implementation of the ambitious strategy of the Company. KONTI’s sweet products are already known to the Chinese consumers. SIAL exhibition has provided a great opportunity to not only maintain and improve relations with already existing partners but also to show the large variety of the KONTI’s confectionary products to the Asian and world public, make new contacts and increase its own sales.
Products of the KONTI Company being supplied to the Chinese market and scheduled to be supplied in the nearest time have been honoured with gold medals during tasting competition within the context of the business programme SIAL China. The winning products – sponge biscuits “KONTI” cherry taste, sponge roll “KONTI “European” crème brulee, sweets “Ronni” wafer, sweets “Esfero Toffee” coconut, sweets “Ozornye frukty” apple and lemon taste, milk chocolate with filling “Kniazheskie sladosti” praline - strengthened the successful presentation of the KONTI Company in Shanghai. Company’s confectionary products which have gained a reputation on the markets of Russia, CIS and European countries for high quality, safety assurance and absence of GMO are now steadily winning favour of the Easterners.
This exhibition has determined a new vector of development for the Company and innovative activity in the light of specific features of consumption of the Chinese people. Stand of the KONTI has been visited by more than 500 business delegations from different countries of the world. Arrangements reached and interest in the products of the KONTI Company give confidence in the development of sales on the new markets and expansion in the number of lovers of the KONTI sweets in the world.