KONTI – at the international exhibition Yummex Middle East.
Company KONTI took part in the international specialized exhibition for confectionery and snacks Yummex Middle East, held 7-9 November in the UAE.
"Rusprodsoyuz" joined the company "KONTI-RUS"
The company "KONTI-RUS", one of the leaders of the national confectionery market, became a member of the Association of producers and suppliers of food products "Rusprodsoyuz". This decision was unanimously approved at the regular meeting of the Board of the Union. The introduction of such a significant player in the confectionery market strengthened the position of the relevant sections of the Association.
KONTI participated in the international exhibition SIAL (China)
Between May 5 and 7, 2016 KONTI participated in the 17-th Chinese international exhibition of food products and special-purpose equipment SIAL China 2016. This year this exhibition gathered in Shanghai about 3000 exhibitors and over 66000 visitors from all over the world.